Mental health professionals are available in all LPS schools. This may include a Counselor, Psychologist or Social Worker. While each may have their own role and duties, all are trained in how to support social emotional needs and intervene in crisis situations.
It is helpful for parents to reach out directly to the school mental health provider when they have questions or concerns. Mental Health Professionals can also help explain the process for determining a need for accommodations or an Individualized Education Program (IEP). They can also access district consultation teams when needed for in-depth support and resources.
Each school provides programs that teach social emotional competencies and promote mental health. At the elementary level, this includes Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Second Step, and/or In Focus.
At the middle level, this includes Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Sources of Strength, Advisory/Homeroom lessons, and/or No Place for Hate.
At the high school level, this includes Sources of Strength, Advisory/Homeroom lessons, and/or No Place for Hate.
We encourage you to contact your child’s school directly for more information about the programs and services available.
Use the provided links to find the website for each LPS school.