Educational Technology Advisory Committee (ETAC)

The purpose of the Educational Technology Advisory Committee (ETAC) is to provide the Board of Education with a Littleton Public Schools (LPS) community perspective regarding the use of technology for student learning, technology program priorities, and advise the Board regarding districtwide technology systems. The Committee is also charged with advising the Board regarding the Educational Technology Information Literacy Plan and monitoring compliance with state and federal laws.

The responsibilities of the Committee include:

Aid and advise the Board and the chief information officer on: 

  1. Long-range planning, guiding priorities, budgetary considerations, and evaluation of technology services and programs.
  2. To develop the Committee’s annual charge, including areas of study, in cooperation with the Board.
  3. To assist the Board in communicating the district’s plans and accomplishments to the community.

ETAC meets on the third Monday of each month. The meeting convenes at 6:00 p.m. All meetings are planned to conclude by 8:00


The membership of the Committee will be representative of the community’s ethnic and economic composition and will include persons of both sexes, insofar as possible. Membership of the Committee shall consist of Members as follows:

  1. Membership. 

    There shall be seven (7) categories of Members as follows:

    1. Instructional Staff. There shall be four (4) to eight (8) Instructional Staff members: One (1) to two (2) representing the Classified Staff, if two representatives then one each from the elementary and secondary, levels respectively; two (2) to four (4) representing Teachers, at a minimum one each from the elementary and secondary, levels respectively; one (1) to two (2) Instructional staff member(s) representing Special Programs. No District Instructional Staff Member shall represent more than one category.
    2. School Administration. There shall be two (2) School Administration Members: One (1) representing the elementary and secondary levels respectively.
    3. District Staff. There shall be two (2) to four (4) District Staff Members. At a minimum, one (1) representing the Divisions of Business/Finance and Human Resources, and One (1) representing the Divisions of Learning Services and Student Support Services. If four representatives, then one from each division.
    4. Student Members. There shall be up to eight (8) Student Members, two representing each of the three high schools, plus 2 student members from alternative high school. 
    5. Parent Members. There shall be four (4) to six (6) Parent Members There shall be, no less than, four (4) Parent Members with a balanced representation of elementary school, middle school, and high school, levels respectively. No Parent Member shall represent more than one school.
    6. Community Members. There shall be one (1) to two (2) Community Members who represent the community served by, and located within the boundaries of the Littleton Public Schools. There shall be, no less than, one (1) Community Member.
    7. Representatives-At-Large. There shall be four (4) to six (6) Representatives-At-Large from a technology organization, agency, or company. There shall be, no less than, four (4) Representatives-At-Large Members.

      To the extent possible, the number of Parent, Community, and At-Large Members shall be equal to the aggregate number of members from the Instructional Staff, School Administration and District Staff membership categories. 

      Committee Member Disclosure Statement 

      Serving on the committee is not to be used for the profit, gain, or private interest of any individual. To maintain public confidence in the work of the committee and to prevent the use of serving on the committee for private gain, it is important for members of the committee to publicly disclose any potential conflict of interest.

  2. Committee Liaisons.
    1. The Board will appoint one of its members to serve as liaison to the Committee.
    2. The Superintendent or designee will serve as administrative liaison to the Committee.
  3. Qualification and Selection of Members/Liaisons. 

    The qualification and the selection of Members in the seven (7) categories of Members of the Committee shall be as follows: 

    1. Instructional Staff. Any classified staff or teacher engaged in direct contact or responsibility for student learning shall be eligible for selection as an Instructional Staff member. Two (2) Classified Staff shall be selected by the Classified Employees Advisory Council (CEAC); one (1) Teacher shall be selected by the elementary and secondary principals respectively; one (1) Special Programs Staff Member shall be selected by the K-12 principals.
    2. School Administration. The Principals and Assistant Principals from all LPS schools at each level (i.e., elementary, middle, high school) shall be eligible for selection as a School Administration member. Each School Administration member shall be selected by the Superintendent or designee, from among Principals and Assistant Principals.
    3. District Staff. Classified and licensed staff from all the divisions shall be eligible for selection as a District Staff member. District Staff members shall be selected by the Assistant Superintendents representing Business/Finance, Human Resources, Learning Services, and Student Support Services divisions.
    4. Student Members. Any student enrolled in an LPS high school shall be eligible for selection as a Student Member representing that high school. Student members shall be selected by the principal of each high school.
    5. Parent Members. Any parent of a student enrolled in an LPS elementary school, middle school, or high school shall be eligible for selection as the Parent Member. Each Parent Member shall be selected by the Executive Committee from among eligible applicants.
    6. Community Members. All residents within the boundaries of the Littleton Public Schools shall be eligible to serve as Community Members. Community Members shall be selected by the Executive Committee from among eligible applicants.
    7. Representative-At-Large. Individuals who work for or represent a technology service, agency, and/or company shall be eligible to serve as Representative-At-Large members. Representative-At-Large members shall be selected by the Executive Committee from among eligible applicants.

Method of Application/Replacement 

  1. Each person interested in becoming a member of the Committee shall submit an application giving a brief background and statement of interest in educational technology and the area of representation to the Chief Information Officer by May of each year. Application forms are available online at the link provided here when open.
  2. Proposed new Committee Members shall be presented to the Board in October of each year for approval by the Board no later than November 1 of each year.
  3. Resigning members shall notify the Executive Committee in April of each year, when possible.
  4. The Executive Committee and the Administrative Liaison will serve as the selection committee and recommend proposed new members to the Board. The Executive Committee meets 1/2-1 hour prior to scheduled ETAC meetings (depending upon what decisions need to be made.)

2024-2025 Meeting Dates and Agendas


6:00 p.m. meeting convenes

September 16, 2024
ESC Boardroom, Agenda

October 21, 2024
EPIC Campus, Agenda

November 18, 2024
ESC Boardroom, Agenda

December 16, 2024 CANCELLED
Newton Middle School, Agenda

January 21, 2025
ESC Boardroom, Agenda

February 18, 2025
Newton Middle School, Agenda

March 17, 2025
EPIC Campus, Agenda

April 21, 2025
location, Agenda


The Executive Committee will establish and publish a schedule of meetings for the year. 

  1. Advisory Committee Meetings 
    1. The Committee, as a whole, will meet a minimum of four times during the school year. The Committee’s officers and Administrative Liaison will establish and publish a meeting schedule for the subsequent school year by September 1.
    2. Other work sessions may be scheduled as needed to accomplish specific tasks. All Committee meetings are open to the public as required by law.
  2. Work Plan and Agenda
    1. Committee officers and the Administrative Liaison, along with other Committee members having responsibilities for annual areas of study, will develop a work plan for review and approval by the Committee.
    2. The officers and Administrative Liaison will formulate specific agendas for Committee meetings, consistent with the work plan and with input from members of the Committee, as needed.
  3. Committee Agendas
    1. Committee agendas will emphasize:
      1. Orientation of members to the purpose and charge of the Committee.
      2. Provision of adequate information for effective review of school and district technology systems, information literacy, current school and district status with regard to technology, and strategic directions and/or plans.
      3. Activities related to the annual areas of study and completion of necessary reports and recommendations to the Board.


Committees, subcommittees, and/or task forces will be established as required or needed.

  1. Committees and Task Forces
    1. Committees and temporary task forces will be formed from the Committee membership as necessary to address annual areas of study and to carry out specific assignments related to the Committee’s responsibilities and Board charges and requests.


The Committee will submit reports as required and as requested by the Board. 

  1. Reporting 
    1. The Committee will report to the Board of Education at least annually regarding its major activities and accomplishments, and to consult with the Board regarding charges and recommendations for the Committee. If requested, a midyear report will occur in February. The end-of-year report will be submitted no later than November 1 of each year. 
    2. The Committee will develop and submit such reports that may be necessary to fulfill responsibilities to the Board and to meet all requirements of state laws.